Refund Policy

At LandVerse, we are dedicated to providing you with the education and tools you need to succeed in the world of land investment. We believe that true success in this field requires a commitment to learning and taking action. To support your journey and ensure your satisfaction, we have implemented a unique and beneficial refund policy for our masterclass.

Our Success Guarantee:

We are confident that our course will equip you with the knowledge and strategies to succeed in land investment. To qualify for our refund, we require that you fully engage with the course content, completing it to 100%, and take action on the skills you’ve acquired. Specifically, we ask that you send out a minimum of 5,000 mailers within 30 days of purchasing the course.

Why This Requirement Benefits You:

This policy encourages you to:

  1. Fully Embrace Learning: By completing the course content entirely, you will maximize your understanding of land investment, setting yourself up for success.
  2. Take Action: Success in real estate and land investment often requires practical experience. Sending out 3,000 mailers is an actionable step that can help you launch your land investment journey.
  3. Commit to Success: This policy is designed to ensure you’re fully committed to your success in land investment. By taking action and applying what you’ve learned, you increase your chances of achieving your financial goals.

How to Qualify for a Refund:

To be eligible for a refund, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Complete the course to 100%.
  • Send out a minimum of 5,000 mailers and set up your systems within 30 days of purchase.
  • Request your refund within 30 days after completing these requirements.
  • Interact and ask us any questions you have throughout the process of starting your land investing company.

Private Coaching Refund Policy:

We do not offer refunds for our private coaching program.

Contact Us:

If you meet the refund criteria, please contact our customer support team at within the 30-day period to initiate the refund process.

At LandVerse, we are committed to your success, and we believe that this refund policy serves as a motivator and a commitment to your journey in land investment. We look forward to supporting you on your path to financial prosperity.

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